
We embrace technology and the advantage it gives.

At Site Development, Inc. we employ cutting-edge technology services on your project.

This gives us an advantage to provide cost and schedule savings by being more productive, aware, and accurate.


Site Development, Inc. utilizes GPS (Global Position System) technology to assist in grading and layout operations.

Our bulldozers and motor graders are equipped with in-cab display monitors which allows the operator to view a layered site map with design surface information, giving cut/fill information real-time, anywhere on site. Auto mode can be used for finish grade operations, in which the blade will be controlled entirely by the GPS system, allowing us to get it done quickly and efficiently, avoiding material overages and keeping your project on schedule.

If you see one of our GPS machines on site, you have the comfort of knowing that it is receiving continuous live corrections from our very own site-specific base station, allowing for zero outages and greater accuracies. Field personnel are equipped with GPS Rovers that are used to perform stakeout functions, topographic surveys, and volume calculations.

All GPS site set-up, data management, and deliverables are performed and monitored by a Licensed Professional Surveyor.



Drones or UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) have been becoming increasingly more popular in construction applications. We have the ability to use aerial imagery for project marketing, progress tracking, as well as useful survey data. Flight data is processed and used for customized volumetric reporting.

This technology is just the right supplement to give us the edge needed to keep things on track.


Site Development, Inc. uses "PlanGrid" technology to organize and track project documents to ensure our field staff has the latest, most up-to-date information. The software also enhances communication between our field and office staff, as well as our clients, to improve productivity and clarity within the construction team.